
Thank you for visiting RunningManServices

Our goal is to provide you with top-of-the-line services for a fraction of typical costs. Our relationship with you is consultant, trainer, and technician. We provide personalized service with off-hours/remote access in:

Hardware/Software Technology Training
Windows/Apple/Linux Mobile Devices
Websites Data Recovery
Connecting "to the cloud" Digital Investigations

Click here to contact us

If this sounds too good to be true...

We are not your "traditional" computer service

Our clients are home and small-business users with a limited set of very important technical issues. We provide personalized service for all of your technical needs but with an off-hours availability based on remote access. Evenings and weekends are the times we are available to clients. This is because we have other jobs in technology during the day. We are working professionals in the technology field and enjoy providing additional support to our clients. We focus on providing the most cost-effective solutions for your needs and budget. Our relationship with you will have clear service level agreements ensuring we can deliver what you need. We won't take your business if we can't meet your goals.